Dr. Perry Cammisa DC
- Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
- Doctor of Chiropractic | 1991
- Certified by the International Society Medical Shockwave Treatment (ISMST)
Dr. Perry Cammisa has always believed that treating patients using non-invasive procedures should be the first course of treatment, and not the last. He realized, shortly after starting his practice, that chiropractic care was only one piece of the puzzle in helping patients achieve a pain-free lifestyle.
Identifying bio-mechanical weakness in the patient and augmenting chiropractic modalities with other therapies, was critical to patient care.
Through a series of circumstances surrounding mutual patients, Dr. Cammisa, Dr. Irizarry and Dr. Angelopoulos became acquainted. After years of conversations about how to improve patient care, the doctors started Ultimate Medical Group.
The clinic is one of the few in the country where doctors of various backgrounds combine their expertise to develop a customized treatment plan for patients using non-invasive treatments first.
Dr. Cammisa has developed and patented several pieces of equipment.
Always in search of effective treatment options, he was a leader in the development of using whole body vibration in a clinical setting to strengthen weakened structures in the body.
Years of clinical trials, and many prototypes later, he received his US patent on the XR Vibe.
This unique piece of therapy equipment can be adapted to patients who are extremely de-conditioned, or to patients who are in good shape but suffer from instability in the spine.
It has the ability to accelerate healing and succeed where traditional physical therapy has failed.